Mortys Universe is a crazy point and click graphic adventure in wich you have to explore the planets chilling around with your spaceship.Translated to spanish and english.
What do you going to find in this cool game?:
-Nice graphics & funny collagues
-Strange creatures with crazy talking
-Crazy worlds with tricky puzzles
-High technology, futuristic atmosphere, freak sci-fi
-Music: Yes! OMG. It´s amazing
Mortys is our heroe. He works in a laboratory in the far from time and distance Universe. The graphic adventure stars in a normal Mortys working day. He must go to find a few of samples needed by the laboratory.
This universe is a bunch of psicodelic worlds where strange creatures with crazy talking hang around making strange business.
Easy!. Find the samples to the laboratory chilling around the planets with your spacecraft and explore the Universe. Mortys have a support spacecraft to communicate with if there are troubles.
The Interstellar Brigade is the police and the law on this side of the Universe. Lately they are being rude. So, take care of them.
Speak and deal with the characters. Every one could be a reptilian or an illuminati, you never know. Because there are reptilians and illuminatis everywhere in the universe. You know, the truth is out there.
Insterestellar music all the game along. Solve the puzzles and help Mortys to arrive at home for dinner.
This could be the best graphic adventure created of all times. I don´t want to be humble. So, maybe you shoud play it.
Download Mortys Universe and chill around the planets. :)
This game was created by : El Cuerno del Unicornio
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